Friday, November 9, 2012

The trip from beginning to end

2012 November Tacoma To Phoenix 
November 3 -November 7 
Vikki Kingslien and Beth Willis

Thursday, November 1
Vikki arrived Thursday evening shortly after 5:00pm begging for seafood so of course I took her to Alfred’s where she had fish and chips...that should do it!!!

Friday, November 2
Friday we packed the car in minutes thanks to my friend Vikki who is the worlds best packer with years of experience!!! We then had a great dinner at my friend Michelle Johnson’s beautiful refurbished home. She fixed a pork roast on the grill and it was terrific! Her friend Stephanie regaled us with stories of artists and their subjects.

November 3 Saturday 32,566
Saturday morning we were off and ready to roll by 9:30 with a slight rain heading to Olympia to enjoy brunch with Frank and Jane Densmore. We stopped at Shopko for Beth’s goodbye fix and arrived at Densmore’s exactly on time. We used the Toyota GPS which led us all over the countryside since I had punched “don’t use freeways”.
Jane has done wonders with Frank’s house. It is cute, cozy, warm and welcoming. We had a lovely brunch with home-smoked, Frank-caught salmon and homemade sweet rolls. Yummy! The quiche was good, too! We had a great visit and enjoyed their company until we left around 12:40pm.

We headed straight down to Vancouver to the home of Vikki’s Mom Ruth Aldridge.. Beth took a nap with Daisy and Vikki enjoyed a visit with her Mom. At dinner, Vikki’s brother Bill and his wife Denise, Vikki’s sister Betty and her husband Marty joined us for a great roast beef dinner and lots of talk. Lots of fun and loads of humor.
Today we traveled 134 telling when we will get to Arizona at this rate.

November 4 Sunday 32,700

Now we are getting in the swing of things....We left Ruth’s house at 6:45am


stopping at Aurora, Oregon for our first gas stop around 7:35am. By 9:15 we were sailing along to Cottage Grove, potty stop, change drivers and by 10:45 it was 63 degrees. Yippie!!!! We stopped for gas at Grant’s Pass around 11:30. Temp had dropped to 59 degrees. We had lunch at Applebees. No need to say how beautiful the ride over Mt. Shasta was for us. Perfect weather, perfect traffic, perfect company.

We hit Redding, CA at 3:27 pm with a great 84 degrees.... We got more gas at Arbuckle, paying and coasted on into Sacramento...straight on Richard’s Road to the Best Western where we always stay. We were tooo tired to go to dinner so we ate our room goodies and went to bed.
Today we traveled 585 miles...moving right along...

November 5 Monday 33285

We were up around 7am after a great night’s sleep. Vikki showered while Daisy and I took a long walk. Vikki did not recall hearing the fire alarm ringing last night. She was sound asleep, wearing earplugs, and never woke up.
These two companions of mine were two tuckered out girls.

I checked us out of the hotel on a lovely morning with a departure around 8:15am.
There was very little traffic and we were off on I-5 with little effort. We stopped for gas and a delightful breakfast at McDonalds in Lodi. They gave us loads of extras and kept the orange juice!!!

Down I-5 from Sacramento put us in the rolling hills of dried grass with a few cattle, many sheep and vineyards, olives, and endless acreage of nut trees: pistachio, walnut and almond. Miles and miles of no traffic, no houses, no towns – true California agriculture.....stopping for gas.

We turned off at Hwy 41, now surfing up and down the hills, hitting Hwy 46 and rolling into Paseo Robles. What a fun little town. We found a cute restaurant, Berry Hill Restaurant, shared a great poached pear salad with goat cheese, bacon, spicy cashews and sweet pecans, Yummy!!!
We went shopping....a cute card shoppe , and a terrific olive
oil shop. We purchased gifts for our next overnights and had fun looking at everything!

We then aimed south on Hwy 101 for an hour to the Willow exit past Pismo Beach. 

We drove straight to our friends’ house. Sandra and Joe were expecting us and gave us a great welcome...We drank tea...and decided that I must go get the car washed. It was covered with bugs and miserable dirty debris! Joe led us directly to the car wash and a clean car. They tried to talk me into wax....I fought them all the way....Gassed up for tomorrow in Nipomo and ready for an evening of enjoyment.
Shopping in other places is always the way to go, much more fun....We purchased strawberries and Sandra bought barbeque for us!!! It was delicious.....
Joe and I finished off the Aberlour Highland single malt Scotch -- 12 year old double cask. We then got into the Chivas Regal with a small shot...yummy! yummy! Vikki’s strawberry purchase partnered perfectly with ice cream and a fab cake made by Sandra. We then debated, consulted via telephone, and studied maps trying to figure out how best to get to Fallbrook to avoid traffic. We decided to go via 101, 210,and 15. Thence via Interstate Hwy 8 to find our way back to Phoenix. WOW!!!!

We traveled 347 miles today

November 6, Tuesday 33632
Election Day!!!! Who will become our leader and guidance counselor??? Sandra and Joe proudly introduced us to the monarch butterfly habitat within Trilogy, their housing development. This is the area used for overwintering by butterflies from as far north as Vancouver, British Columbia and Idaho.

We left around 10:45 am, as Sandra and Joe waved from the front door....

Hitting the 101, 134, 210 and finally the 15 heading toward the Fallbrook home of Vikki’s sister Jini and husband Nick Moeller. It took a bit longer than we planned but there really was no traffic and of course we had Steve Job’s audiobook to entertain us. We stopped in Temecula for our gas. Then we started up the hills winding and winding upward until we reached the summit of the Moeller’s. What a beautiful setting and fantastic view out over the hills.

We had an enjoyable stay visiting and meeting the critters: three border collies (Shawnee, River and Brook) and two horses (BeBe and Pollee). Jini prepared the ultimate comfort food dinner of chicken and dumplings. Yummy! We all watched the election returns, believing in the projections. Details to follow tomorrow.
We drove 286 miles today

November 7 Wednesday 33918

This morning it was clear - Obama had won, the D’s kept the Senate and the R’s kept the House. We had a great farm breakfast of pineapple, scrambled eggs and bagels. The dogs showed off their agility training and we relaxed and visited with Jini.

We headed out around 9:45 a.m.waving good bye again to dear family or friends back onto I-15 to the Interstate 8 toward Arizona and home.

In El Centro we had a great lunch at Celia’s, a local restaurant, around 12:45 pm and gassed. We drove by the Border guards all along the border and had views of the black fence. The sand dunes were ominous and unwelcoming....

Who can complain about is 91 degrees and we still have no traffic. We whizzed through Yuma, turned up Hwy 85 and hit I-10 just at dusk with beautiful sunsets. We pulled into the Ginnis home around 6:15. Tired... We enjoyed the dinner of light snacks and catching up with all the local haps.
Final gas 34,344 with 426 miles traveled.

By 8pm we were at the Willis Casa. Thanks to cleaning help, the estancia was immaculate and certainly offered a welcome respite from the long drive of 1770 miles. Everything worked and the beds proved irresistible. Sleep ensued.

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